OSCPA CPE Policies

Consult OSCPA's Virtual Code of Conduct for questions on behavior during a virtual event.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

If you are not completely satisfied with any Society course you take, you may attend a course of comparable cost at no charge, or get a full refund by contacting our learning team at [email protected] or 614.764.2727. (Please note that refunded registrations will not receive CPE credit.)

Event Confirmations

You will receive an event confirmation delivered to your primary email address listed on your profile once the registration and payment transaction has been completed. You will also have a record of the confirmation in your sbf111胜博发 Message Center.

Calculating CPE Credit

For each 50 minutes of continuous instruction, the Accountancy Board of Ohio awards one CPE credit. Beyond the first credit, each 10-minute period equals 0.2 credits and each 25-minute period equals 0.5 credits.

Photo & Video Policy

Registration and attendance at OSCPA events constitutes an agreement by the registrant to allow OSCPA to use any photos or video taken during the event on the Society’s website, social media and in future print and online materials for The Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发



If we cancel a program, your registration fees are fully refundable.


Customers can cancel registration from a course with the specific guidelines and fees. Refunds will be issued to the person who is registered for the program and can be processed by contacting OSCPA's Member Service Center at 614.764.2727 or [email protected].

Live Events (online & in person)

14 days before the event

Registration fee is fully refundable.

13-8 days before the event

Registration fee minus a 25% cancellation fee* is refundable.

7-1 days before the event

50% of the registration fee* is refundable.

Day of the event/No show

Registration fee* is forfeited for day of event cancellations or no-shows.

* Fees cover speaker expenses and other guarantees.


Cancellations made after the program has been accessed will forfeit the entire registration fee and materials. If you experience technical difficulty and are unable to view a program, you must contact OSCPA within 72 business hours upon the first access attempt, to receive a refund.


You may substitute another individual if you are unable to attend a program. If you are registered for a multiple-day event, substitutions are allowed for the entire event only. Please notify OSCPA’s Member Service Center at 614.764.2727 of registration substitutions prior to the event. (Please note: Non-members substituting for OSCPA members will be subject to a non-member fee adjustment.) 


While we realize you cannot always plan in advance, we may not always be able to accept walk-in registrations at our events. The onsite program administrator will be able to provide you with the latest registration information. Full payment for any OSCPA event is due at the time of registration.


We make every attempt to estimate the number of attendees, however you may experience a “sold-out” situation due to space availability.

Some OSCPA programs allow for Waitlist registrations.  Registration fees apply to programs in a wait-list status.  Registrants on the waitlist are automatically enrolled into the program in the order of the waitlist as cancellations occur or capacity is increased.  If we are unable to accommodate you, your registration fee is fully refundable.  OSCPA will contact you within 14 business days regarding your waitlist funds.


Should the weather warrant any concern for your travel safety and you want to verify if a particular event or meeting will be held as scheduled, visit the sbf111胜博发 portal, my.metacraftcorp.com and look for an announcement on the homepage.  When inclement weather results in the cancellation of a program, we will attempt to notify you as soon as possible via email and will include local news station information. As you know, inclement weather can strike quickly and may prevent us from making contact with all participants. Please make sure your email address and phone number is updated to ensure you receive inclement weather notifications.


If you are unable to attend a program due to a death, accident, or serious illness OSCPA may waive the no-show cancellation policy.  Your registration fee will be converted to funds on your account.  Please provide a written request to [email protected]



Discounts or single invoice, single purchase options may be available for large registration orders.  Availability varies by program.  Please contact OSCPA at [email protected] if you’d like to inquire regarding group/bulk purchasing.  


Volunteer speakers may attend other sessions complimentary on the same day they are speaking.  If they wish to attend additional days they are eligible for a discounted 1 day registration.  Speakers receiving an honorarium are not eligible for discounts.  Speakers will receive written confirmation of their instruction for use in self-reporting instructor CPE credits. Exhibitors at OSCPA events will receive a 50% discount on the program registration fee if they wish to attend sessions.


The Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发 both protects and promotes sbf111胜博发 and the CPA credential. If you are an inactive CPA and wish to reactivate your license, we are here to help you in completing the requisite 120 credits of continuing education, including a professional standards and responsibility course approved by the Accountancy Board of Ohio that emphasizes the Ohio Laws and Rules chapter 4701.

OSCPA offers a package of self study on-demand courses to assist you with license reactivation. Our On-Demand Access Pass gives you access to more than 100 courses vetted and approved by sbf111胜博发 for sbf111胜博发, including an Accountancy Board of Ohio approved on-demand professional standards and responsibilities course. CLICK HERE to learn more.

If you prefer live courses, please check out our comprehensive catalog of offerings at metacraftcorp.com/myoscpa.

Please contact OSCPA at [email protected] for special packages available for inactive renewals. 

Disclaimer: OSCPA may not provide discounts for any partnered programs.  Examples include Youngstown State partnered programs, etc.


The Ohio Society is a registered CPE Sponsor with the Accountancy Board of Ohio, registration number CPE.1 PSR.

The Accountancy Board of Ohio establishes the Continuing Education Rules and Regulations to which the Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发 adheres.

If an Ohio CPA is selected for CPE verification The Accountancy Board of Ohio accepts OSCPA sponsored programs summary transcript of credit earned in lieu of individual program documentation.

For live group study, for each 50 minutes of continuous instruction the Accountancy Board of Ohio awards one CPE credit. Beyond the first credit, each 10-minute period equals 0.2 credits and each 25-minute period equals 0.5 credits.

For self-study, CPE credit may be earned at a minimum of ten minute increments.

Credits may take up to 24 business hours to appear on your OSCPA transcript.

Program participants who arrive late or leave early to an OSCPA program must check in with OSCPA staff so CPE credits can be adjusted.

OSCPA utilizes bar code scanning technology to process CPE credits for conference session attendance.  A CPA should not ask another CPA to place their barcode into the attendance verification bin. 

sbf111胜博发 are responsible for compliance with all applicable CPE requirements, rules, and regulations of state licensing bodies and are responsible for accurate reporting of the number of CPE credits earned.  Any suspected willful violations may be reported to the OSCPA Professional Ethics Committee.   


Individuals who are not registered for online programs will not be able to claim CPE credit for group viewing granted CPE credit, nor are they able to self-report CPE credit.  However, group viewing of online programs is available for groups of four or more if coordinated with OSCPA prior to the program. Please contact [email protected] at least 5 business days prior to the online program.


The Ohio Society of sbf111胜博发 is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming
environment for all meeting participants and OSCPA staff. Attendees, speakers, volunteers,
exhibitors, OSCPA staff, service providers, and all others must abide by this Virtual Programs
Code of Conduct. This policy applies to all OSCPA events, including those sponsored by other
organizations but held in conjunction with OSCPA events on public or private platforms.
OSCPA has zero-tolerance for discrimination, intimidation or harassment by participants or
our staff at our events. If you experience or hear of unacceptable behavior, please inform
Tiffany Crosby, OSCPA Chief Learning Officer at [email protected] or 614-764-2727

Unacceptable behavior is defined as:

• Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form

• Abuse, including but not limited to:
    o Verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, national origin
    o Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces or presentations
    o Threatening or stalking any person

• Disruption during sessions, in the exhibit hall, or at other events organized by OSCPA
throughout the virtual meeting

• Presentations, postings, and messages should not contain promotions, job offers, or
service solicitations unless previously agreed to by OSCPA. OSCPA reserves the right to
remove such messages and potentially ban the source.

• Participants may not copy or take screenshots of Q&A or chat activity in the virtual space.

If unacceptable behavior occurs, OSCPA reserves the right to take any action deemed
necessary and appropriate. This includes immediate removal from the meeting without
warning or refund and prohibiting attendance at any future meeting, virtually or in person.


According to Article VII, section H of The Ohio Society Bylaws, a member shall comply with the rules of professional ethics of the Society, which shall consist of the Code of Professional Conduct of the American Institute of sbf111胜博发 (AICPA), including the interpretations contained therein, as issued by and as may be hereafter amended from time to time, except that in case of any conflict between the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and the OSCPA Bylaws, the Bylaws of the Society shall prevail.

Further, in the event of any conflict between the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and any applicable Ohio law or any applicable rules or regulations of the Accountancy Board of Ohio, then such state and local law, rules, or regulations shall govern.


The basic continuing professional education (CPE) requirement to obtain or renew the Ohio permit is 120 credits over a three-year period. For specific educational requirements, refer to the Accountancy Board of Ohio’s website.

New sbf111胜博发 holding the Ohio permit are required to report 40 credits over a two-year period. A new CPA licensed in 2017, for example, will have a continuing education reporting period of Jan. 1, 2017 through Dec. 31, 2018 and a requirement of 40 credits.

All sbf111胜博发 holding the Ohio permit must take three credits in professional standards and responsibilities ("PSR") each reporting period. All OSCPA professional standards and responsibilities offerings fulfill the three credit Accountancy Board requirement.

Beginning with the reporting year 2016, all licensed sbf111胜博发 must have a minimum of 20 CPE credits every year.

Please see additional credits regarding Yellow Book requirements.